100-02 SHCS Organizational Structure and Responsibility

SHCS Organizational Structure and Responsibility
Policy Number: 
Effective Date: 
February, 2015
Next Review Date: 
February, 2016
Responsible Manager(s): 
Program Director

To delineate organization structure and responsibility.


Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS) is organized and structured to provide health services in an efficient, accessible, cost effective, and systematic manner.

  1. Governing Body

    Ultimate authority for the governance and administration of the University of California Student Health and Counseling Services resides with the Regents. Under Standing Order 100.6, authority and responsibility for campus operations are delegated to the Chancellor on each campus, who then delegates authority to the appropriate Vice Chancellor. On the Davis campus, this authority is given to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, who then delegates authority through the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs to the Executive Director of Health and Wellness.  The Associate Vice Chancellor serves as the chair of the Governing Body for SHCS, which consists of four members: the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, the Executive Director of Health and Wellness who serves as the Program Director of SHCS, the SHCS Medical Director, and the SHCS Counseling Services Director. For a description of Governing Body structure and roles and responsibilities, reference enclosed General Bylaws for U.C. Davis Student Health and Counseling Services.

  2. Program Director

    Authority and responsibility for all operations of the Student Health and Counseling Program are delegated to the Executive Director of Health and Wellness who serves as the Program Director of SHCS.

  3. Executive Committee

    The Executive Committee serves as the Program Director’s management team. The Executive Committee is comprised of directors and managers representative of all departments in the program.  It includes the Program Director, Medical Director, Counseling Services Director, Clinic Support Services Director, Quality Improvement Manager and Administrative Services Director.  The Executive Committee is responsible for determining the mission, goals and objectives of the organization; for managing its resources; for conducting long and short term planning; and for overseeing its daily operations.

  4. Management Committees

    SHCS management oversight includes three designated management committees to address unique program risk planning and oversight functions: Governance Risk Management Committee, Governance Quality Management Committee and Information Management Steering Committee.  Each of these meets monthly or as needed for project implementation and monitoring.

    The Governance Risk Management Committee is composed of the Executive Committee members and the Human Resources Manager, and is chaired by the Risk Manager; The Information Systems Management Committee, is composed of the Executive Committee and the Information Systems Manager, and is chaired by the Administrative Services Director; and the Governance Quality Management Committee is composed of the Executive Committee, and is chaired by the Quality Improvement Manager.

  5. Department Heads Group

    The Department Heads Group meets as an administrative body representing each of the functional areas within SHCS.  The group is responsible for communication of organizational strategic plan and implementation, program and campus policy and procedures, updates to program information regarding human resources, budget and quality improvement activities.  Members include supervisors and managers charged with department oversight with responsibility for the day-to-day operations of their functional area, including but not limited to personnel supervision, scheduling, and direction. Members are charged with actively participating and sharing information received with their staff. The group has regular monthly meetings chaired by the Program Director. The Human Resources Manager serves as secretary to the group. 

  6. The SHCS Organization Chart is posted on the SHCS Staff website.  The SHCS Committee Membership and Schedules are also posted on the SHCS Staff website and updated annually.

February, 2000
December, 2013